$1,097.00 USD

Pleasant + Delightful

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Pleasant + Delightful

A 12 week mentorship for Christian entrepreneurs to create a more peaceful profit while tending to the heart and tuning into the Holy Spirit

Imagine growing your profit with less stress, less pressure, and less time.

Lyndi and Annie have been on a journey over the last year to create more profitable businesses while doing exactly that.

Less stress, less pressure, less time..

Here's how:

We've been leaning into the Holy Spirit and learning what it looks like to tend to our humanity.

We've been exploring our true capacity and the gifting and callings that God has given us.

And we've allowed ourselves to live within the boundary lines that God has "blessed" us with: little kids, foster care, stressors, trips, etc.

Are you ready to learn?

We want to invite you into a 12 week mentorship designed for Christian entrepreneurs to create a more peaceful and profitable 2024. 

What you'll get:

  • 12 weeks of mentorship
  • Live trainings
  • Coaching from Annie + Lyndi in group and 1:1 formats
  • Community of women

Why does it matter?


This matters because you matter.

You've been feeling like you are doing too much but not enough for too long.

You've been worried about it all going away for too long.

You've been anxious that you're missing the mark in other areas of life for too long.

You've been trying to change your habits, change your routines, change your business, and nothing has worked.

And this is costing you.

It's costing your relationships, your health, your emotional well-being, your family, and maybe even your very soul.

Let's reclaim what the enemy has stole. Let's reclaim the delightful inheritance we've been promised..

Because your business could actually be...

Pleasant & Delightful 


"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." - Psalms 16:5-8